Lífshlaupið (e. Motion for Life) is a project run by the National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland. It´s main goal is to encourage the public to exercise, and to do so through a fun national competition using the website www.lifshlaupid.is. There are four different categories of the competition:
1.Work place competition - three weeks in February
2.School competition (Grunnskóli) – two weeks in February
3.School competition (Framhaldsskóli) – two weeks in February
4.Senior (67+) competition – three weeks in February
Below you can find useful information to help you register for Lífshlaupið competition
If you have participated before, all you need to do is to sign in and find your workplace under “Mínar síður” (e. my home page) and join a team (“ganga í lið”) or start a team (“stofna lið”).
If you have not participated before, here is what you need to do:
•You start by clicking on “Mínar síður”. There you choose “Nýskráning – einstaklingur” (e. sign up – individual).
•You choose a username (“Notandanafn”) and password (“Lykilorð”) that you will remember and put your e-mail address in (“Netfang”).
•Finish the sign up process by filling in the information below and then click “Klára skráningu og halda áfram”
oNafn (name)
oFæðingarár (Year of birth)
oHeimilisfang (Home address)
oPóstnúmer (Postal code)
oKyn (Gender)
oSími (Telephone number)
Now you can start logging your workouts. But, to participate in the workplace competition you need to either start a new team (“stofna lið”) or join a team (“ganga í lið”). First you click “Liðin mín” (e. my teams). From there, you choose to start a new team or to join a team (someone at the workplace has to start a team so others can join).
You automatically become liðsstjóri (e. team leader) when you start a new team. Being the team leader you have an overview of what your teammates are doing and you can also manually register someone who does not have an account themselves.
If you do not want to be a team leader you can assign someone else who has joined the team.
Now you can start logging your workouts. You choose “Stigin mín” (e.my points) and there you choose “Bæta við hreyfingu” (e. add a workout). You will choose what kind of exercise you did (“Hvernig hreyfing”), and for how long you did it (“Hreyfing í mínútum”).
Now that you are participating, you can follow how your workplace/team is doing in the competition by going on the front page of the website and choose "Staðan” (e. standings) and choose “Vinnustaðakeppni” (e. workplace competition). Workplaces are categorized by number of employees. You can choose your workplace and see the teams that have been participating as a part of your workplace.
If you have any problems in the process of signing up or logging your exercise, please contact us at lifshlaupid@isi.is or call us at 514-4000 and we will help you solve your problem.
Good luck and enjoy Lífshlaupið!